Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Notes from Week Seven in PLENK2010

My notes from week six? Here they are
My notes from week five? Here they are
My notes from week four? Here they are
My notes from week three? Here they are
My notes from week two? Here they are
My notes from week one? Here they are

Self assessment in PLENK2010 by Google Analytics

How to use Google Analytics data for self assessment? It is not the number of total visits to your blog that counts is it? Is it the Visitors Loyalty-data? Or?

Today I started using the widget LinkWithin for my blogposts. Thanks to Charlotta.

I mark this with a comment in Google Analytics and I will see if the statistics change from now on (the number showing how many persons that leave my blog after reading only the first page).

And, by the way I must link back to my post a few weeks ago reading this (tweeted in Twitterplenk Saturday)

What is wrong with me and Twitter? Help wanted from PLENK2010

or from elsewhere (Fredrik, my brother in law?)

I try to connect my mobil phone (Xperia Pro) to Twitter and I have texted verification code like five times to the number but all I see is this.

I would like to be able to tweet from my phone while participating in New York Marathon next week. I would also like to connect the tweets to Facebook. How?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Marken gungar lite under fötterna på ett kontrollfreak

när eleverna tänker sätta igång och tillsammans blogga inifrån verksamheten. Men självklart är jag för!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Desto större anledning att designa sin personliga IT-miljö och sitt personliga nätverk

Migrän ökar med IT-stress rapporterar SVT:s nyheter idag. Desto större anledning att lägga energi på att med omsorg designa en personlig IT-miljö inklusive sitt personliga nätverk. Till exempel genom att använda igoogle samt att använda Facebook och andra verktyg på ett vettigt sätt.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Notes from Week Six in PLENK2010

My notes from week five? Here they are
My notes from week four? Here they are
My notes from week three? Here they are
My notes from week two? Here they are
My notes from week one? Here they are

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Löjligt enkelt att göra självrättande flervalstest, del 2

Jag gjorde ett liknande förkunskapstest inför Naturkunskap B också :-)

Löjligt enkelt att göra självrättande flervalstest, som det här!

Nu får det vara slut på att göra flervalstesten i instängda Fronter. Det är ju jätteenkelt att göra dem utanför och mer hållbart. Då försvinner de inte när man byter plattform och de är också mer lätttillgängliga.

Här har jag gjort ett litet kort förkunskapstest i Naturkunskap A. Testa själv för att se hur det står till med dina kunskaper i det ämnet. Tar bara 1 minut. Ingen login!

Om det är någon fråga som du tycker är otydlig eller felaktig, eller om du tyckte det var för enkelt eller obegripligt svårt, kommentera gärna.

Själv tycker jag mycket om små enkla självrättande flervalstest för de är tydliga, man måste tänka till och de kan användas för att rama in och skapa struktur. De kan också användas för att bryta av och variera undervisningen på en lektion. Vad tycker du?

Och oj, vad jag gillar när det står "Ingen registrering behövs". "Ingen registrering behövs", det är ett tecken på en bra öppen lärresurs enligt mig.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Would I pay for a MOOC like PLENK2010? Part two

This is a 30 seconds Prezi presentation illustrating how I would like a MOOC to be built for me to pay money for it. Note, this is my very first try with Prezi :-)

Would I pay for a MOOC like PLENK2010? Part One

What would make me pay for a MOOC in the future? I think not suggested readings or texts (books, papers). This I can find myself for free. For the same reasons I don´t want to pay much for music and videos nowadays..Instead, what I want is
  • belonging (a potential PLN)
  • structure and frames ( but still open) like weekly workshops, highlights from the past week, The Daily(sort of a center) and a suggested course goal, (clear as crystal)
  • formative assessment (coaching)
  • teambuilding events for a stronger PLN

Friday, October 22, 2010

Flow* på jobbet

Det är ju inte jämt men ibland, som till exempel idag, dyker tanken...

”Jag har ju verkligen drömjobbet”

...upp i huvudet.

Passar på att blogga det för att frysa ögonblicket, kunna ta fram och minnas i sämre tider.

Vad hände? Jag vet inte, men att utan stress diskutera kluriga mattetal med elever är alltid kul. Rätta genomarbetade och kreativa inlämningar också. Liksom att elever som inte synts till i skolan på länge dyker upp och verkar på gång. Och när en förälder ringer och berömmer verksamheten. Dessutom den allmänna fredagskänslan, extra trevlig stämning i arbetsrummet. Mysigt inomhus när det är snöblask ute. Och alldeles nyss så vann jag en chokladbiskvi till eftermiddagskaffet genom att vinna i kortspel mot elever och kollegor..

*flow [fləu] (engelska), (känsla av lycka till följd av) fullständig koncentration på något ( 2010-10-22)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Världens mest innovativa lärare ska utses

och Sverige är med och tävlar rapporterar DN idag. Numera, när det går dåligt för Sverige i Eurovision Song Contest och så vidare så hoppas man ju väldigt mycket på det här. Tänk om Sverige skulle vinna, vilket ryck och självförtroendehöjning det skulle bli för hela den svenska skolan (tror jag). Heja!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nu är det dags igen (se mitt inlägg Hallelujah Moment)

för ett webbseminarium: Lärarens framtida roll, den 25 november kl 15-16:30. Mitt arbetslag ska delta.
Den här bloggen har 11 st :-) prenumeranter och 2 följare. Ingen aning om vilka ni är men hoppas vi möts på seminariet allihop? Anmäl snarast. Join the movement.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Nice that someone who knows how to speak, speaks! And he speaks about stuff related to PLENK2010.

This video popped up this morning in my reader, shared by Magnus Ehinger. I enjoyed the video so much I had to send out my first tweet ever :-)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How Do You Write and Read Blogposts in PLENK2010

What if most people just read the first two or three sentences in most blogposts in PLENK2010?

I read this blogpost today and got to know that many of us leave a web-video in only ten seconds.

I wonder if you, classmates in PLENK (and others too) have a strategy when you write your blogposts? (I don´t really but the links above made me start thinking about it.) Do you deliberately use the informal style, the academic style or the journalistic style?

And how do you read blogposts? (Honestly) Do you read all of the text or just a few sentences? Or do you check if there are comments before you decide if to read?

I will totally spam The Daily tomorrow, this is my third PLENK blogpost this weekend..:-)

My notes from week five in PLENK2010

My notes from week four? Here they are
My notes from week three? Here they are
My notes from week two? Here they are
My notes from week one? Here they are

Hope it's not too late for participating in the Friday Session discussion in PLENK2010

I am to slow to say something in the sessions but better late than never:-).
A clip from the Friday session where Stephen Downes speaks.

I understood that

One long term goal was to get to know the city
Short term goals was to move to place A, B, C

A review could be:

Good! You managed to:

  • Set a goal but still stay open minded for other paths
  • Choose a method but still stay open minded for other paths
  • Remain curious and mindful along the way
  • Eventually reach A, B C..
  • Reflect over the outcome
  • Realize that side-effects had a relation to your long term goal

Good skills for exploring (a city for example)!

But note, if the long term goal instead would have been to learn and practice how to plan more effectively. Maybe a good review would not have been given to you.

My point is that the validation of the outcome in some way must depend on the long-term and short-term goals. Of course the goal can be flexible. (Maybe this is the landmarks mentioned in the clip?) But the person that evaluates needs to be aware of your goals. Like a life-coach.

How can we NOT learn by living?

The challenge is, as I see it, to learn in the direction you want to learn.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Goals and sub-goals as tags in blogposts in MOOC´s like PLENK2010 for following progress?

This school year I made a natural science course in Blogger for my students.
I tagged the different posts (tasks) with the different goals for the course. This as an attempt to make the goals more clear for the students. And then I also made a tag cloud from the tags.

But what if it instead was a MOOC like PLENK? And if the students had their own blog/portfolio/PLE with their own goals and sub-goals? And if they then tagged each of their posts with the proper goal(s)/sub-goal(s)? And then made a tag cloud from it?

Would this make it easier to follow the progress and to assess?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When you miss fast feedback and ratings in PLENK2010

you can always
for a while.

Assessment when I set my own goals ? Maybe I could have my blog as my portfolio from the moment I declare my goals. My first blogpost should then describe my goals. And the last one should show that I have reached my goals. And the posts in between show how I reached them. A portfolio like that would be possible to rate I think.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Notes from Week Four in PLENK2010

My notes from week three? Here they are
My notes from week two? Here they are
My notes from week one? Here they are

Second Life

I am making some progress in Second Life. Managed to move from Welcome Island to the city where some PLENK2010 classmates arrange meetings.

I was a bit skeptical to Second Life because of Barbie-looking avatars, not having your own name and things that costs money etc.

But I now realize there is lot of advantages too. I am travelling to New York in an few weeks, and Second Life allows me to explore the city before going there IRL. This is New York Ballroom and Jazz Club according to Second Life for example. Seems like a nice place.

By the way, am I allowed to film and take pictures in Second Life? To show the environment to collegues and students?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Flow and Mindfulness in PLENK2010 - Learning Theories

Maybe it is not a learning theory the way constructionism and behaviorism is, but FLOW in relation to todays learning environments seems interesting to me.

Wikipedia about flow: From this link you get to know for example that "Psychologists have found that one's mind can only attend to a certain amount of information at a time. According to Miller's 1956 study, that number is about 126 bits of information per second. That may seem like a large number (and a lot of information), but simple daily tasks take quite a lot of information. Just having a conversation takes about 40 bits of information per second; that's 1/3 of one's capacity"

  • How do I design a PLE for flow (is it at all possible)?

Also terms like mindfulness and acceptance come to my mind when thinking about todays learning environments(lots of inputs, lots of options) rather than learning theories.

Where I work as a special education teacher, we often also talk about the term salutogenesis coined by Aaron Antonovsky.Important due to this theory is a sense of coherence.
"More specifically, the "salutogenic model" is concerned with the relationship between health, stress and coping." (

topyli´s photostream on Flickr

App till Iphone

för att träna på matematik, rapporterar svt om idag.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Notes from Week Three in PLENK2010

My notes from week two? Here they are
My notes from week one? Here they are

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Vi testade att chatta live :-D

på sista lektionen i fredags. På grund av sjukdom fick ordinarie lektionen skjutas upp och då passade jag på att få igenom i mitt förslag.

I tio minuter chattade lärare och elever tillsammans med hjälp av det superenkla mötesverktyget Todaysmeet. Frågan som diskuterades var hur det kan komma sig att nästan bara killar väljer elprogrammet medan nästan bara tjejer väljer vårdprogrammet.

På tio minuter hann vi med att komma igång med verktyget, debattera frågan och alla de sex deltagarna kom till tals. Då hann vi även med att titta på en film sedan.

Det blev ett snyggt häfte med fyra sidor diskussion när jag printade ut den. Nu ligger utskriften i fikarummet så att fler kan läsa den

Rekommenderas att testa!